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Does Metformin Benefit People With Type 1 Diabetes?

Cannabis Plant

Does Cannabis Use Impact Type 1 Diabetes?

Switching Away From Levemir: What Are the Options?

Novo Nordisk to discontinue Levemir, impacting patients who rely on its unique dosing flexibility for diabetes management.

Desperate to Feel Better: A Teen With T1D Tries an Off-Label Drug

What do you do when the approved drugs and treatments for managing your type 1 diabetes don’t seem to be enough? Lilly Varon, a teen with type 1 diabetes, turned to off-label medications with the help of her doctor.

Cholesterol and Diabetes

What is cholesterol, and when is it “good” or “bad?” What are the cholesterol recommendations for people with diabetes, and how can you keep up healthy cholesterol levels?

Diabetes and Birth Control

For people with diabetes, using a reliable and safe method of birth control is essential in avoiding an unplanned, and potentially dangerous, pregnancy. By understanding the different forms of contraceptives and working with a healthcare team, you can find the right birth control for you.