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Byetta LAR Proves Superior to Lantus in Type 2 Patients

Updated: 8/14/21 1:00 pmPublished: 8/31/09

Recently, data were reported from the DURATION-3 study comparing Amylin’s Byetta Once Weekly (formerly known as LAR)—the next-generation, once-weekly formulation of the GLP-1 Byetta—to Sanofi-aventis’ long-acting insulin Lantus. The study found that Byetta LAR resulted in greater reductions in A1c, weight, and hypoglycemic episodes compared to Lantus. Specifically, those on Byetta LAR and Lantus had similar A1c drops of 1.5% and 1.3%, respectively, but those on Byetta LAR lost six pounds on average (2.7 kg) while those on Lantus gained three pounds (1.4 kg). There was less hypoglycemia for those on Byetta LAR but significantly more nausea (experienced in about 13% of patients). Insulin use in persons with type 2 diabetes is often accompanied by weight gain and hypoglycemic episodes. Although the American Diabetes Association's current treatment sequence favors the prescription of insulin before a GLP-1, the results of DURATION-3 suggest that a long-acting GLP-1 like Byetta Once Weekly may be an alternative starting point that some should consider.

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