Matthew Garza
Matthew Garza joined the diaTribe Foundation as an associate in 2020 where he worked on diaTribe Learn and the dSeries Executive Innovation Labs. In February 2022, he helped launch dStigmatize.org and diaTribe’s Stigma Program which he became program manager of in June 2022.
Garza holds a certificate in Effective Writing for Healthcare from Harvard Medical School and he graduated with honors from Johns Hopkins University’s Whiting School of Engineering in 2020 where he majored in Biomedical Engineering and minored in the Study of Women, Gender, and Sexuality. As an undergraduate Matthew was heavily involved in research, working in the Hopkins Translational Tissue Engineering Center. His research focused primarily on stem cells, three-dimensional matrix scaffolds, and surgical outcomes for transgender patients. He has a passion for understanding how stigma impacts health outcomes for marginalized groups including the LGBTQ population and those living with chronic conditions. Matthew swam for the Hopkins varsity swim team and was the president of the Student Athlete Advisory Committee and Hopkins’s Athlete Ally chapter. He enjoys swimming, running, hiking, and backpacking in his free time and he will never turn down the opportunity to eat good food or listen to good music.