Dexcom Releases Free Software Update for Dexcom CGM Users that Significantly Improves Accuracy

Twitter summary: Dexcom announces “Software 505” for CGM users – FREE download that improves accuracy to 9% vs. fingersticks, available now!
In unexpected news, Dexcom recently announced the FDA approval of the G4AP algorithm (called “Software 505”), a new software that improves the accuracy of the Dexcom, strengthening the accuracy vs. "laboratory reference" to 9%. It is now available to Dexcom users as a free download on Dexcom’s website. The previous G4 Platinum software had an accuracy vs. lab reference of 13%, and this 4% increase in accuracy (lower percentage = better accuracy) makes the Dexcom CGM the first ever CGM to have an accuracy percentage in the single-digits, putting it in the range of standard fingerstick accuracy and representing a significant step forward for CGM accuracy.
Those who already use a Dexcom can run an update tool to add the algorithm onto their existing G4 Platinum receiver, and any newly purchased Dexcoms will come with the new software already included. The download is only available for users 18 years or older; Dexcom will be trying to obtain approval in pediatrics within the following months.
The release of this software seems to have gone off without a hitch, even coming out ahead of schedule. Dexcom also has a cool marketing strategy that demonstrates how the G4AP has been used in artificial pancreas research. It is outstanding news for patients to see this come through, as the even-better accuracy and reliability comes without any hassle and no cost. -AJW/AB