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Frida Velcani

Frida Velcani joined The diaTribe Foundation in 2019 after graduating from Vassar College Phi Beta Kappa with general and departmental honors. She has a degree in Science, Technology, & Society and a minor in Hispanic Studies.

As an undergraduate, Frida delved into the study of patient-centered healthcare through her multidisciplinary studies. She reported on novel technologies related to emergency response and disaster medicine as a writer for the Crisis Response Journal. Her articles highlighted ways professionals and laypeople alike could leverage technology to enhance patient engagement and improve health outcomes.

At Vassar, Frida also led various campus health promotion efforts, charity fundraisers, and programming at the nearby senior home to simultaneously improve student welfare and that of the surrounding community. Frida’s undergraduate work culminated in a thesis where she proposed technical, organizational, and personal recommendations for successful breast center microsystems and positive breast cancer screening experiences.

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