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diaTribe Learn

diaTribe Learn, our patient-focused online publication, is part of The diaTribe Foundation’s mission to improve the lives of people with diabetes. diaTribe seeks to empower readers with useful, actionable information that gives them hope for a better future, and helps them live happier and healthier lives. Our team has access to the world’s leading diabetes and obesity researchers and clinicians. We attend all the relevant conferences, and we've developed unmatched expertise in this area. Most important, we have personal connections to diabetes – many of us have it ourselves, and this perspective influences everything we do and write.

Time in Range Logo

Time In Range Coalition

The diaTribe Foundation formed The Time in Range Coalition with a multi-stakeholder group of companies, foundations, non-profit organizations, researchers, and clinicians, with a goal goal is to establish time in range as an essential part of diabetes care and to make time in range (TIR) accessible to all people with diabetes and their care teams. This involves work in multiple areas, including regulatory, clinical, research, and patient education.

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The diaTribe Foundation launched the dStigmatize program in 2022 as a progression of the organization's dSeries Executive Innovation Labs which used a systems-level approach to highlight the root causes of the diabetes epidemic and create innovative solutions to address them. As part of this work, diatribe identified that addressing diabetes stigma was an essential missing element of effective diabetes care and through research, education, and advocacy, the dStigmatize program aims to end the pervasive stigma and discrimination that too often affects those living with diabetes.

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Bright Spots and Landmines

Adam Brown shares the tips he wished someone had told him when he was diagnosed with diabetes — addressing the food, mindset, exercise, and sleep strategies that have had the biggest positive impact on his diabetes – and hopefully will for yours, too! Bright Spots & Landmines: The Diabetes Guide I Wish Someone Had Handed Me is filled with hundreds of effective diabetes tips, questions, and shortcuts, including what to eat to minimize blood sugar swings; helpful strategies to feel less stressed, guilty, and burned out, and simple ways to improve exercise and sleep. (An audiobook version of this guide is also available.)