The College Diabetes Network
The diaTribe team was excited recently to meet Christina Roth, the compelling President and Founder of the College Diabetes Network (CDN). CDN's mission is to improve the health, well-being, and longevity of students with type 1 diabetes through social support on campuses, helpful information, and resources for parents. If you have diabetes and are in college, or remember being in college… well, you remember how hard that can be. Currently, CDN has established chapter networks at 18 colleges and universities (Harvard, Penn State, Northern Illinois University, Texas A&M, Texas Tech, Trinity College, UConn, University of Massachusetts – Amherst, University of Wisconsin – Madison, American University, Hampshire College, Johns Hopkins University, Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine, University of British Columbia, Curry College, Boston College, Temple University, and Dartmouth), with plans to expand to many more soon. If your school (or for parents, your son’s or daughter’s school) already has a chapter, please get involved by visiting the website at Otherwise, contact Christina Roth at [email protected] for more information about starting a new chapter. Everyone at diaTribe who has diabetes and didn’t have this in college sure wishes they had… --AB/KC