Diabetes Education & Camping Association (DECA) Unites Over 400 Diabetes Camps Worldwide, Provides Resources for Parents and Families

In 2011, over 20,000 children (!) in North America attended more than 200 diabetes camping programs. As the 2012 summer camp registration process gears up, we were excited to recently speak with Terry Ackley, the new Executive Director of the Diabetes Education & Camping Association (DECA). Terry reminded us of the excellent resources for families interested in attending a camp or getting more information. The DECA website (www.diabetescamps.org) offers a comprehensive directory of camps, searchable by location (we recommend searching by state rather than distance, as camps are often not located near big cities). The directory also includes camp descriptions and website information, contact details, and session dates. DECA also has a website devoted specifically to parents – you must catch the site’s five-minute YouTube video featuring excited campers, counselors, and DECA staff. –AB