Help Support diaTribe in One Easy Step

Dear diaTribe readers,
The diaTribe Foundation gets support from dQ&A (diabetes Questions and Answers), a company with an important social mission – to make sure that the companies who make our diabetes drugs and devices know our needs and opinions. If you subscribe to diaTribe, you may have received an email from me last week inviting you to participate in a survey dQ&A is running for us – thank you to all of you who have already signed up! If you take part, you’ll be asked to complete a quick survey about your diabetes. It should take no more than 5 minutes, and the results will help us make diaTribe more relevant to you.
If you wish, you can also volunteer to help diabetes research by taking dQ&A’s paid surveys. If you are invited to join, you’ll be telling companies what you like and don’t like about their products today, and those they are working on for the future. Your answers will help create better diabetes choices for us all.
While The diaTribe Foundation and dQ&A are independent of each other, dQ&A's work has benefited us tremendously over the years. For instance, they gathered incredible data on social stigma felt by people with diabetes, which informed our past article, “The Numbers of Shame and Blame: How Stigma Affects Patients and Diabetes Management.” They also conducted a 7,000+ person patient survey, which culminated in a 400+ page book we presented to the FDA last year telling the FDA leadership what patients wanted most in diabetes care.
Moreover, here’s how taking dQ&A’s survey can also help you support diaTribe:
dQ&A will share the results of the screening survey with diaTribe, which will help us improve diaTribe and guide the diaTribe Foundation in its advocacy work.
dQ&A will donate $10 to The diaTribe Foundation for every diaTribe reader who is subsequently invited to join their dQ&A Panel and takes their Members’ Survey.
If you become a dQ&A Panel Member, dQ&A will offer you a thank-you payment for every survey you take. If you prefer, you can donate this to the diaTribe Foundation. It is completely up to you.
Please click this link to take the quick survey. The results of dQ&A surveys are completely anonymous, and they will never share your contact details with anyone.
Thank you for your consideration and for your ongoing support of The diaTribe Foundation.
Warm regards,
Kelly L. Close