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If You're Not into Jewlery, Medical Alert Wallets May Be the Way to Go

For obvious reasons, people with diabetes are encouraged to wear medical alert jewelry, though sometimes they prefer carrying a medical information card in their wallet. This isn't as conspicuous as a necklace or bracelet, but it may also be more difficult to locate. Now you can buy wallets with the medical alert symbol right on the front (medicalalertwallets.com). The quirky symbol, to us, has always been an enigma - it looks like a snake wrapped around a pen, which lies inside some kind of clover - but it's not a bad design element. The wallet makes for a quieter everyday statement, but it would be sufficiently loud in an emergency. It also comes with a standard medical information card. The website sell all kinds of medical alert pouches, but our favorite is the "Travel Lite," which seems ideal for those of us with cash flow problems.