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Looking Beyond A1C - Adam Brown at Thriveabetes 2019

By Adam Brown
What I've Learned From 70,000 Hours Wearing CGM - A Video Presentation at Thriveabetes 2019
I recorded the presentation below for Thriveabetes 2019 - a diabetes conference that takes place each year in Ireland. I couldn't make it in person, but the organizers let me share this video remotely from San Francisco! Note that for BG units, 3.9-10 mmol/l = 70-180 mg/dl and 3.9-8 mmol/l = 70-140 mg/dl.
If you prefer to view only the slides, you can find them here.
Please let me know if you like this format with slides and audio! There are a few topics where this approach would help answer common diaTribe reader questions (e.g., managing BGs during exercise).