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Sugar Babies: The Epidemic of Diabetes In Our Children

diaTribe salutes director Jennifer Mackenzie for her emerging film Sugar Babies. The documentary examines the impact of type 1 and type 2 diabetes on children in America. Visit the website and spread the word to help in their final few weeks of funding! Jenny was the director of the renowned Kick Like a Girl and is clearly an incredible talent - watch a clip of Sugar Babies and let's help get the word out about this critical work.

As far as we know, there has never been a documentary on diabetes. Jenny is now filling that void. Much has been said and written about children with diabetes, both type 1 and type 2. What makes Sugar Babies special is the kids themselves tell their own stories, and viewers will gain a much deeper understanding of all the complexities – the triumphs, the pressures, and the burdens – of living with this disease for the children and their families.

Viewers will meet Caidence, a precious 3-year-old whose parents find themselves overwhelmed by the financial demands of their daughter’s disease; and Prince, a charismatic teenager from Brooklyn who must overcome diabetes burnout. They will meet Ann Marie, the mother of a type 1 boy who rallies her community after an alarming surge in diagnoses; and Morgan and Ronnie, young teenage siblings who must completely change their lifestyle after being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

As the mother of a type 1 daughter, Jenny is well qualified to tell this story. She has spent countless hours researching, interviewing, and editing her film, and we’re excited that she is close to bringing it to a much wider audience. We encourage you to spread the word about what is sure to be an absolutely remarkable film.