Rapid-Acting Insulins on the Horizon (Biodel’s VIAject and Halozyme’s Offerings)

As researchers understand more about glycemic variability and as we move closer to the “Closed Loop,” an increasing interest in more rapid-acting insulins has emerged. Several therapies are currently being developed to meet this need. First, VIAject is a form of human insulin combined with certain GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe by the FDA) ingredients to enable the insulin to more quickly lower blood glucose. Halozyme Therapeutics is designing a therapy called PH20 that is administered with insulin by enabling faster insulin absorption and increased peak insulin concentrations. While PH20 shows exciting potential, it is still in phase 2 clinical trials (see our “Learning Curve” on the clinical trial process here) and so we will look forward to hearing about the next phase. VIAject has finished phase 3 trials, and we will be interested to see how the landscape unfolds for this small Connecticut company. Meanwhile, SmartInsulin, another rapid-acting insulin candidate, is at an even earlier starting point, but has prompted much excitement in the field, including a grant by the JDRF. Overall, we are pleased to see companies expanding the availability of rapid-acting insulins – we believe we could see their use translate into significantly better glycemic control.