NeuroMetrix Launches Second-Generation Sensus Pain Management Device for Treatment of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy
On March 18, NeuroMetrix launched the second-generation version of its Sensus pain management device, The Sensus is designed to relieve the pain and numbness often associated with diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN), a complication of high blood glucose levels that will affect approximately 60-70% of people with diabetes at some point in their lifetimes. (We often forget this is so common.) The second-generation Sensus is 20% thinner than the original device, and should make the device more appealing to those with DPN. Last August, the FDA approved the Sensus for use during sleep, significantly expanding its potential to help ease the symptoms of DPN. In late 2013, the company also announced that it is in the early stages of developing an over-the-counter pain therapy option.
As we mention in this months’ letter from the editor about the fall in long-term diabetes complications, neuropathy still has an ever so long way to go. Please read our learning curve to learn more about this all-too-common complication and the warning signs, available treatments, and how to prevent it. –AW/KC