WellDoc Announces the Launch of BlueStar, a Software-Based Product for Type 2 Diabetes

On June 13, WellDoc announced the upcoming launch of BlueStar, an FDA-approved software-based product that is prescribed by a HCP to support the management of type 2 diabetes. Using a patient’s own data (e.g. medications, blood sugar readings, food, and exercise), BlueStar provides real-time coaching, educational content, and motivational support to people with type 2 diabetes. BlueStar works across smartphone platforms (e.g., iPhone and Android), feature phones, tablets, and desktops. What’s cool about the product is that it is personalized, starting with the initial setup (done face-to-face with a certified diabetes educator). The messaging also adapts over time and can support the entire spectrum of type 2 diabetes management (i.e. from oral medications only, to those using insulin). The product was built by endocrinologists, diabetes educators, and behavioral scientists so the computer algorithms map to ADA and AADE standards of care. BlueStar also helps make office visits more productive, as it allows patients to send their health care providers (HCPs) a “SMARTVisit” - this feature provides HCPS with recommendations based on the patient’s information. WellDoc has found that putting the analyzed data in the hands of HCPs makes them twice as likely to make treatment changes (e.g., getting patients to the right therapies and doses faster).
WellDoc has published two randomized controlled trials of the software upon which BlueStar is built. These demonstrated significant 1.2-1.4% reductions in A1c levels with use of the software. Of course, since BlueStar’s ability to help patients relies on the data that they enter, how often and how well someone enters their data will be critical to the system’s success.
BlueStar is prescription-only and will be reimbursed similarly to prescription drugs (i.e., a copay depending on insurance). The product will be available this summer in select cities, and a nationwide launch will follow later this year. We look forward to testing the device and hearing how patients and providers like it. –NL/AB