Having Surgery With Diabetes
Having a surgical procedure, whether it's planned or an emergency, comes with added risks when you have diabetes. Learn more about preparing for surgery with diabetes, how to advocate for your needs, why in-range glucose values are important, and how to minimize your risks.
What Is Diabetic Ketoacidosis?
What is DKA and what can patients do to prevent this diabetes complication?
Type 1 on a GLP-1 Drug? Watch for Hypoglycemia and DKA
Explore GLP-1 agonists for weight loss in type 1 diabetes with caution. Understand potential risks like hypoglycemia and DKA, while balancing benefits for heart and kidney health.
Can You Have DKA Without High Blood Sugars?
Discover the hidden risks of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) in insulin-treated diabetes. Learn about euglycemic DKA, triggered by SGLT-2 inhibitors.
Avoiding DKA With Continuous Ketone Monitoring
Might there be a way to detect and prevent the serious complication of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) before it happens?
Making Sense of Ketones with Diabetes
Learn what ketones are, how they are measured, and what to do with the information