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Newly Diagnosed

Newly Diagnosed? Why Support Is Crucial

The latest research shows that many adults who have been recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes feel unsupported as they learn to care for their condition. Learn about the benefits of DSMES to manage this emotional distress. 

How Do You Mark Your Diaversary?

For some, the date is seared in their minds — the moment their lives changed forever, as a medical professional explained that they had diabetes. Each year, many observe their “diaversary,” the anniversary of their date of diagnosis.

Impressive Results Show Verapamil Preserves Insulin-Producing Cells in Newly Diagnosed With Type 1 Diabetes

The low-cost drug verapamil, a widely available generic drug for blood pressure, was shown to preserve insulin-producing beta cell function in young people, aged 7-17, who were recently diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.

Dexcom U: Inspiring Young Athletes After a Diabetes Diagnosis

Dexcom and Division I college athletes have teamed up to encourage other people living with diabetes to fully participate in sports.

Link Between Pancreatic Cancer and Newly Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes

Adults with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes are at higher risk of having undetected pancreatic cancer. A U.S. clinical trial is recruiting this population to evaluate a screening blood test that aids in its early detection.

Finding Hope After a Diabetes Diagnosis

Learning you have any chronic illness can be overwhelming and difficult to accept. Finding meaningful support can help you cope with a diabetes diagnosis.