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Type 2

Januvia + Metformin = Janumet

Less is more with this new diabetes pill out from Merck. It combines two favorites in one formulation – one is metformin, a veteran of diabetes drugs, and the other is Januvia, a promising rookie. If it’s appropriate for you to be on both these drugs, this new combination pill means one co-pay and an easier routine. Metformin and Januvia, a DPP-4 inhibitor, target different areas of the body: metformin decreases glucose production by the liver and Januvia increases insulin secretion by the pancreas, both acting in different ways against hyperglycemia. We’ve heard from doctors that the drugs work better together. The pill is taken twice a day, rather than Januvia’s once a day, though metformin is also once or twice a day. Doctors may prefer you start with metformin, as they may want to determine your optimal dose of that drug first (metformin dosing differs person to person), and insurance may not cover starting directly on the combination. Insurers may change, as more healthcare professionals are calling for earlier and more aggressive therapy.