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Join a Trial Researching Eating Disorder Prevention in Young People with Type 1 Diabetes

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A global study is investigating the effectiveness of an eating disorder prevention program to help younger people with type 1 diabetes reduce body image concerns and improve blood glucose control.

Clinical Trials Identifier: NCT05399446

Trial Name: Multi-Site Eating Disorder Prevention Program for Type 1 Diabetes

Diabetes Type: Adults with type 1 diabetes

Trial Sponsor: Oslo University Hospital

What is the trial researching?

This virtual study is investigating whether the Diabetes Body Project (DBP), an eating-disorder prevention program specifically targeted towards people with type 1 diabetes, is effective at reducing body image concerns, reducing disordered eating, and improving control of blood glucose levels.

This study is sponsored by Norway’s Oslo University Hospital in a collaboration with JDRF, the University of Minnesota, Joslin Diabetes Center, Stanford University, and the VU University Medical Center in Amsterdam.

The study aims to enroll about 280 participants, who will receive six weekly, one-hour long program sessions either from the DBP or from educational sessions on various eating disorders, complications of eating disorder behaviors, diabetes and body image, effects of dieting on blood glucose, and the risk of complications. Researchers will track changes over time in ideal body beliefs, body dissatisfaction, diabetes-specific eating pathology, and changes in eating disorder symptoms immediately after, six months after, one year after, and two years after the study compared to at the start of the study.

Why is this important?

Research has shown that disordered eating and eating disorders are more common in young adults with Type 1 diabetes than those without. Developing sensitive measures around areas such as body image concerns and disordered eating behaviors is a critical step in prevention. By participating in this study, you have the opportunity to help answer the question of whether a type 1-specific eating disorder prevention program can help benefit young people with type 1 diabetes.

There are several benefits to participating in clinical research. For this study, you’ll receive personalized resources for type 1 diabetes free of charge, as well as financial compensation for your time and effort.

Are you interested?

You may be eligible to participate if you:

  • Are between the age of 14-35 years
  • Were diagnosed with type 1 diabetes more than a year ago
  • Have experienced any level of body image concerns
  • Have not been hospitalized for an eating disorder in the past year
  • Have not experienced eating-disorder related diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) in the past year
  • Have access to wi-fi

The trial is currently recruiting in Stanford, California, and the rest of the Pacific US time zone; in Boston, Massachusetts, and in Amsterdam, Netherlands and Oslo, Norway, See a full list of inclusion/exclusion criteria here.

For more information: To learn more about this study, contact Laura Rubino at [email protected] or call (650) 549-4829.