Join a Trial Researching Virtual Support for Type 1 Diabetes

Scripps Whittier Diabetes Institute is researching how to support people living with type 1 diabetes. Participants will receive money and personalized resources.
Clinical Trials Identifier: NCT04933851
Trial Name: Addressing Emotional Distress Amongst Diverse Adults with Type 1 Diabetes (ACT1VATE)
Diabetes Type: Adults with type 1 diabetes
Trial Sponsors: Scripps Whittier Diabetes Institute and the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)
What is the trial researching?
This trial is investigating two virtual programs to help people manage type 1 diabetes: one is group-based and the other is one-on-one. The group-based program consists of five 90-minute telemedicine therapy sessions. The other approach involves standard diabetes self-management education and support (DSMES) delivered one-on-one. Both telehealth programs aim to provide resources, promote diabetes care and mental health, and improve blood glucose control.
The study will last approximately one year, and researchers plan to enroll 484 participants. Researchers will track changes in A1C, diabetes self-care behaviors, emotional well-being, and quality of life over 12 months.
Why is this important?
Diabetes management is complex and can sometimes feel overwhelming, particularly for adults navigating other responsibilities and life changes. Indeed, about 40% of adults with type 1 or type 2 diabetes experience diabetes distress.
While there are some coping tools for diabetes distress, more research is needed to understand the best way to address the emotional challenges of diabetes. By participating in this study, you have the chance to shape mental health care for other people with type 1 diabetes.
There are several benefits to participating in clinical research. For this study, you’ll receive personalized resources for type 1 diabetes free of charge, as well as financial compensation for your time and effort.
Are you interested?
You may be eligible to participate if you:
Are 18 years or older and have type 1 diabetes
Have an A1C of 8% or higher in the last 90 days
Live in San Diego or the greater San Diego area and are able to visit Scripps for study appointments
Register as a Scripps Patient (takes less than five minutes by calling 1-877-637-4884)
Are seeing a primary care provider or endocrinologist for diabetes care – this study is not meant to replace regular care
See a full list of inclusion/exclusion criteria here.
For more information: To learn more about this study, contact the study team at [email protected] or call (+)1-858-678-7054.