August's Most Popular Stories

In case you missed them, below you’ll find our top five stories from August 2022. This month’s best stories cover a wide variety of topics including sleep, tech updates, complications, and more!
1. How to Get a Good Night's Sleep with Diabetes
Interrupted sleep can be a common annoyance when living with diabetes — whether you experience it yourself, or you’re a spouse or caregiver of someone who does. Find out more about how you can improve your sleep and manage these disruptions.
2. The iLet Bionic Pancreas – No Need to Count Carbs
Impressive results from a trial for an up-and-coming artificial pancreas showed that users spent an average of 2.6 more hours in range each day compared to non-users – all without counting carbs. Here's what trial participants are saying about the new system.
3. Omnipod 5 Fully Available in the US
Insulet recently announced that the Omnipod 5 automated insulin delivery (AID) system is now fully available to anyone with type 1 diabetes ages 2 and up. Read about Omnipod’s features and how to get the new pump today.
4. Nerve Damage in Your Hands and Feet From Diabetes
Having diabetes puts you at risk for nerve damage in your extremities – a condition known as peripheral neuropathy. Here are steps you can take to maintain the health of your nervous system, as recommended in the latest ADA Standards of Care.
5. New Law To Cap Insulin at $35
The recently passed Inflation Reduction Act includes new policies that cap the monthly cost of insulin at $35 and potentially reduce the cost of other diabetes drugs for those on Medicare. Find out how the new law could lower your prescription drug costs.